Water trickling down….

I was also at the same time was enjoying rain at marine drive with my friends. We got drenched in rain and had corn. It was the best day, I enjoyed ever. We were walking down the marine drive. Then suddenly we heard a sound of car crashing and I turned back to see what happened….. A girl was met with an accident by a car. We ran there as soon as the accident took place. Everywhere there was blood and the water was trickling down her body with mixture of blood. This sight was the most dreadful of which I have ever seen in my life. The water was trickling down…… she was screaming at the top of her voice. Everyone gathered to see this incident, but no one step forward to help her.
We caught the driver and as fast as possible one of my friend went with her to hospital with the guy, who was responsible for accident. I know that in world there are some people whom will never stop if anything wrong happens from their hands and vice versa. She was then taken to hospital; there she was operated in ICU. Later, my friend gave me news that doctor told her that she was out of danger. The person responsible for accident was arrested and case was filed against him by the victim. We reached our home. The visuals of her accident still scare me. It is a dream which I wish to forget.
Happy Monsoon …. But remember that crossing properly on roads will save lot of lives. The Ratio of accidents are increasing day by day and as a citizen of society please be careful.
It is said that the day always starts with happiness, but we cannot say anything it can be even turned into nightmare.
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