Visit to an old age home

Recently, our social community organized a visit to old age home for celebrating New Year with them on the auspicious day of ‘Guddi Padwa’. This was the first time I had gone to such place. The name of the organization was “Manavsena Trust, Sakvar”. This place was surrounded by the blanket of greenery. In that old age home, there were approximately 40 people were staying. I observed that these people were provided with basic amenities like food, clothing, and shelter. They had created separate divisions for both of them. The aura of this place was very different from usual aura of every place. The aura of this place was filled with full of memories and emotions of these old people living in this organization.
We interacted with them for some hours. While interacting I observed that these people got so happy that somebody is paying visit to them and to show this excitement, they had wore the best sarres and kurtas they was having with them. When I interacted with few people there, they even gave me some chocolates to me. The old people got so much emotionally connected with us within a span of time that, we can’t forgot such experience of our life. They even share some past experiences with us, which help us to face the situation of future life.
The sad part was that they are not living with their family and they don’t care about them. Whenever I went for interacting with old people they asked me to give call to their family members, so that they can come and meet them.
Leaving their parents to old age home is a bad way of living. Leaving parents alone in the whole world is a sin. They help us to grow from childhood to an adult, they are the one who helped us to walk and talk in childhood. Parents are like god and they should not be left alone and just because they have problems like defect in bones and other health problems or family dispute.
From my point of view old people should not send to an old age home. The life is better at home rather than in old age home. Visiting an old age home is beautiful experience and it will create a great impact on everyone’s life.
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