The Day I thought was last…
The recent terrorist attack on Mumbai, lead to a great impact on the lives of the people and many other previous attacks. The Mumbai was just getting back on the track and such incident occurred with me that was the most important point I felt of my life because I thought that I was having a minute or seconds to live.
It was the fourth day after such gruesome incident of the attack on Mumbai, the Polaris festival was organized and it was the 3rd day of the fest. I boarded a Churchgate bounded local from Nallsopara station to reach college. The train reached Borivali station within half and hour. Everything was going well, people were getting in and going out on every station, some people in coach were busy in surfing on their blackberry, some were chatting among their friends, some were glued to their music collection, everything was going well and suddenly a man identified a suspicious bag, everyone started asking to each other about the bag, Borivali was passed away and train was destined to reach Andheri and it was reaching Goregaon. All the people in the coach identified that it was a suspicious bag, people got scared, some started moving to the opposite side of bag in coach, one was guiding people that worrying is not solution, one was shouting to an old man because he was walking very slowly and he was telling other people to get him on other side of the coach, some started calling up their friends and people which were on the same train, some were calling the helpline number of Western Railway for help, one of them told us to pull the chain but it got stuck so hard that 5 of us were trying hard to pull it, but what was our luck the motorman was aware of the chain pulling or not we didn’t know but the train was moving fast it even didn’t stopped at Goregaon or Jogeshwari, my heart was beating very fast at that moment as I was thinking that is this was my last day of my life?(I thought if it is a bomb what time is set on it and do I have a minutes or seconds of my life)
The motorman was not clever as he tried hard to take the train as fast as possible to reach the Andheri station. The train reached Andheri station and within a second everyone got down, the whole coach was emptied and GRP of Western Railway entered the coach. He was equipped with the bomb detector and what a sigh when he checked the suspicious object, it was a box of bleaching powder and not the bomb. Each one of them who was there in this coach of train felt last moment of their lives, when this panicking situation occurred.
Later everyone got in the train and the journey continued, but this was the most unique and different experience which I don’t think I will forget it till I die and others commuters of that coach …..
(I think that every moment of life should be lived with lot of happiness and not sadness)
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