SeArCh - Mystery lies deep down....

What do you think when this word strikes your mind? Search is which is used from the mythological stories till today, but today it is mostly thought to be a word with lot of meaning. Today search is a word, which is associated with internet world mostly to Google (A search engine) . Search is now called as Google search engine, where you can search/ find anything which is present in the whole internet as well as virtual world. Search is a word which is associated with lot of things like; if you want to search your lost friend then one can find their friend by searching on facebook using an application i.e. Friend finder. Nowadays even search box is used in every site on internet, which allows the consumer to search their data, which indirectly gives less stress to consumer. A person can search anything on internet within seconds like a company profile, addresses, shops, people, and celebrities with whom you want to connect and share your feeling and whom you were disconne...